Friendly Instructors


Friendly instructors

When you enter SIG SAUER Academy, you’ll discover that our instructors are not only experts in their field, but also great people who are ready to help.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. There are no stupid questions here.

Safety First


Safety first

Safety is no joke. You will be instructed on proper safety protocols and expected to follow all instructions. If we see inappropriate actions, we will address them immediately.

Loud Noises


Loud Noises

With multiple ranges at the Academy, you may hear loud noises that aren’t related to your course. Rest assured that our ranges are properly supervised.





What to Wear


What to wear

Different courses will have different requirements, but these are the basics:

  • Long pants with pockets
  • Closed toe shoes (no flip flops or sandals)
  • A crew neck (t-shirt) or button-up shirt (no low-cut neck lines)

Check your course description for course-specific requirements.

Lunch Break


Lunch break

For courses that are all day, a one hour lunch break is part of the schedule. Feel free to bring your own lunch to enjoy during that time or venture out to explore the local area.



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