This course will introduce the officer to High Risk Warrant (HRW) service.
Experience Requirements:
Restrictions: This course is restricted to active military and law enforcement personnel only.
Eligibility: Eligible Please call to confirm eligibility
Eligibility: Eligible Log in to check your eligibility. 1
SWAT I - Basic SWAT Operator (40 Hours)
Event types
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The SWAT 1 program is designed to enhance core mission profiles skills necessary to conduct High Risk Warrant Service and correctly address Barricaded Persons and Emotionally Disturbed People. This program is essential for the new team member, as well as the experienced operator looking to update their skills. The depth of this program will involve perishable skills such as room clearing, hallway operations, reconnaissance and mission planning, diversionary device deployment, tactical K9 integration and basic negotiation skills.
5- Day Course
This training course is specifically designed for the current or prospective agency tactical team members. A moderate proficiency level and working knowledge with the carbine and pistol are required to attend. The student must also be free of any physical ailment that would limit their participation in events that require running, climbing and carry 45lbs for extended periods. Please see the Required Equipment section for student responsibilities.
Restricted to current Law Enforcement or Military members.
Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. Please ensure you have read through the class description and fully understand our prerequisites before registering.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Restricted to current Law Enforcement or Military members