This is a one day comprehensive course designed to provide LE first responders with tactics to defeat ambush-style attacks.
Experience Requirements: Introduction to Defensive Handgun Skills (8 Hours)
Restrictions: This course is restricted to active military and law enforcement personnel only.
Eligibility: Eligible Please call to confirm eligibility
Eligibility: Eligible Log in to check your eligibility.
Counter Ambush Tactics for Law Enforcement (8 Hours)
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Officers will quickly be instructed and guided through dry movements, live fire movements, and force on target movements, utilizing a combination of rifle and pistol applications. These counter ambush techniques and tactics are tried, proven, and most importantly simple to execute immediately with minimal training. Graduates can easily take the skills learned back to their agency for train-the-trainer implementation department wide.
This course is restricted to current law enforcement personnel ONLY.
Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. Please ensure you have read through the class description and fully understand our prerequisites before registering.
Students who successfully completed the 2-day course 'Handgun 104: Introduction to Defensive Handgun Skills' prior to February 2024 will have fulfilled the prerequisites necessary to enroll in any courses that require successful completion of either the 1-day 'Handgun 104: Advanced Handgun Skills' or the 1-day 'Introduction to Defensive Handgun Skills' course.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
In order to receive a certificate of completion, students will attend 8 hours of training. Students will be required to demonstrate the ability to properly react to a variety of dismounted and mounted ambush scenarios.
Optional Gear - chest rig/plate carrier, ballistic helmet, elbow pads, battle belt